I'm Enrique Leigh,

I'm a strategist.

As privacy laws tighten, technology progresses, and consumer behaviors shift, Marketing must evolve.

How current is your strategy?

Stay Updated with Me

Global Leadership Experience

2022 - to date
AdTech Consultant @ Dell Technologies

Global Audience Strategy Lead for Consumer and Small Business.

I have a passion for Strategy and Technology. The pinnacle of my carrer here at Dell has been creating a joint Learning Agenda.

If you've kept up with industry trends, you're likely aware of the shift away from cookies and its significant impact on targeting strategies and measuring marketing success.

You will find more information about all these topics in the blog

2021 - to date
Lecturer @ Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Lecturing "Insights for Growth" course for a Master's degree. 
  • Previous courses: Metrics and Social media

I'm turning this master's degree course of "Insights for Growth" into my own e-learning course

Independent Researcher

I've published papers in Education, which is another passion that I share with both my sister and my wife.

You can find more information about my research papers in my Google Scholar profile and in my Orcid profile

Havas Group
  • Head of Data & Measurement
  • Director of Product & Strategy
  • Director Digital Transformation Latin America

Back in 2019, I got promoted up to Director of Strategy and Product right around when we were expecting our second daughter with my wife. Things took a sharp turn a few months in when our country hit a major social outbreak.

The day after everything blew up, we started seeing clients hit the pause button on their ads. Made sense—wasn't exactly the time for pushing sales. But here's the thing: agencies lived off the ad spend. No spend, no earnings, leading to a whole lot of folks getting cut. This was an industry-wide problem. A lot of smaller agencies closed their doors. We had to let go half of our people.

Suddenly, my calendar was a mess, back-to-back meetings, sometimes double, even triple-booked. Everyone wanted to review their "strategy".

Then, my daughter came into the world in December, right before the pandemic hit us full force. By March, we were all locked down and this time, ALL the customers wanted to re-do their strategy. It was strategy overhaul season for real, for every single brand (without even considering the pitches!)

Fast forward five years, and I've got a load more to share. I learned the hard way how to be a strategist by just being me, dodging burnout by a mile. 

I'm here to pass that on.